Data page (Chp2 Constrained 2011)

Revised October 2009

Ideal Point Data from Chapter 2 of Bailey & Maltzman (2009).

The following files contain data from Chapter 2 of

Bailey, Michael A and Forrest Maltzman.  2009. The Constrained Court.  Manuscript, Georgetown University and George Washington University.

This chapter updates and extends

Bailey, Michael A.  2007.  Comparable Preference Estimates across Time and Institutions for the Court, Congress and Presidency.  American Journal of Political Science 51, 3 (July): 433-448.

The method produces ideal point estimates that are comparable across institutions and across time for 1950 to 2008.  For data from Bailey (2007), see data page for that paper.

Ideal Points from Chapter 2 of Bailey and Maltzman, The Constrained Court.

This tab-delimited file contains ideal points for each Senator, Representative, President and Supreme Court Justice for each year from 1950 to 2008.  Details on the estimation procedure and the data are available in the data appendix linked below.

This file includes only 9 justices in each year (when there is a mid-year replacement, the justice who voted on more cases is included).  Version 1.1 includes Justice White in 1962, not Justice Whittaker.  I also have estimates for all justices for all years they served; please contact me for them.

Medians [Figure] from Chapter 2 of Bailey and Maltzman, The Constrained Court.

This tab-delimited file contains the ideal point estimates of Presidents and the median ideal point estimates for the Senate, House and Supreme Court for each year from 1950 to 2002.  When one Justice replaces another on the court within a given year, the Justice who served longer is used to calculate the median for the year.  One can use the raw ideal point data to make different calculations, if desired. Version 1.1 includes Justice White in 1962, not Justice Whittaker.

Data appendix

This file contains additional information on the data and estimation procedure used in Chapter 2 of Bailey and Maltzman, The Constrained Court.