“Murder at Polling Manor” Harvard Data Science Review 6, 4 (Fall 2024).
“Engaged Statistics: Building Statistical Skills by Focusing on Answering Interesting and Important Questions.” In Teaching Research Methods in Political Science, Jeffrey L. Bernstein, ed. Edward Elgar Publishing.
“Comments on “Statistical inference with non-probability survey samples – Non-probability samples: An assessment and way forward.” Survey Methodology, 48(2): 313-318 (December 2022).
“Teaching Statistics: Going from Scary, Boring, and Useless to, Well, Something Better” PS: Political Science & Politics, 52(2): 367-70 (November 2018).
“Student-Run Exit Polls 101” with Sarah Croco, Elizabeth Suhay, Rachel Blum, Lilliana Mason, Hans Noel and Jonathan Ladd. PS: Political Science & Politics, 52(2): 361-366 (March 2019).
The Data Science Corps: Making a Difference by Connecting Experts to Projects. Technical Report, National Science Foundation. With Christian Conroy and Vandana Janeja (2018).
“Measuring Ideology on the Courts” in The Routledge Handbook of Judicial Behavior, Robert M. Howard and Kirk A. Randazzo, ed. Routledge Press, 2017.
Winner, C. Neal Tate Award for Best Paper on Judicial Politics, Southern Political Science Association, 2017.
“Goldilocks and the Supreme Court: Understanding the Relationship between the Supreme Court, the President, and the Congress” with Forrest Maltzman in New Directions in Judicial Politics, Kevin McGuire, ed. Routledge Press, 2012.
“The Amorphous Relationship between Congress and the Courts” with Forrest Maltzman and Charles Shipan in The Oxford Handbook of the American Congress, Francis Lee and Eric Schickler, ed. Oxford University Press, 2011.
“Money and the Possibility of Democratic Governance” in Stephen Wayne, ed. Is This Any Way to Run a Democratic Government? Georgetown University Press. 2004.
“The Other Side of the Coin: The Hidden Benefits of Campaign Finance” in Kollman, Miller and Page, ed. Computational Political Economy, MIT Press. 2003.
“Standoff in the House: Democrats Come up Short in the Trenches” with Keiko Ono in Stephen Wayne and Clyde Wilcox, ed. The Election of the Century. 2001.
“Going After the Ins: How Two Beatable Senate Incumbents Met Challenger Threats with Different Outcomes.” Campaigns and Elections 20, 5 (June 1999): 46 – 53. (Reprinted with additional material in Campaigns and Elections: Contemporary Case Studies.)
“Contemporary American Elections: An Overview.” With Ronald Faucheux, Paul Herrnson and Clyde Wilcox. In Campaigns and Elections: Contemporary Case Studies, 1999: 1-28.
“Book Review: Laura D’Andrea Tyson. Who’s Bashing Whom?” Trade Conflict in High Technology Industries. Stanford Journal of International Affairs 2:2 (Summer 1993): 185 – 188.