

Countering Non-Ignorable Nonresponse in Survey Models with Randomized Response Instruments and Doubly Robust Estimation. Political Analysis (2025). doi:10.1017/pan.2024.13

A New Paradigm for PollingHarvard Data Science Review 5, 3 (July 2023).

The Supreme Court

Appointing Extremists. with Matthew Spitzer.  American Law and Economic Review, 20, 1 (April 2018): 105-137

Is Today’s Court the Most Conservative in Sixty Years?  Challenges and Opportunities in Measuring Judicial Preferences.  Journal of Politics, 75, 3 (July 2013): 821-834.

While there’s a Breath in My Body: The Systemic Effects of Politically Motivated Retirement from the Supreme Court. with Albert Yoon. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 23, 3 (July 2011): 293-316.  (ungated version here).

Does Legal Doctrine Matter? Unpacking Law and Policy Preferences on the U.S. Supreme Court. with Forrest Maltzman.  American Political Science Review, 102, 3 (August 2008): 369- 384.

Comparable Preference Estimates across Time and Institutions for the Court, Congress and Presidency. American Journal of Political Science, 51, 3 (July 2007): 433-448.

Signals from the Tenth Justice: The Role of the Solicitor General at the Merits Stage. with Brian Kamoie and Forrest Maltzman.  American Journal of Political Science, 49, 1 (January 2005): 72-85.

Comparing Presidents, Senators, and Publications Justices: Inter-institutional Preference Estimation. with Kelly Chang.  Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 17, 2 (October 2001): 477-506.

Dimensionality on the Supreme CourtJournal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 179 (1) (Spring 2023): 200-213.

Interstate Competition/Welfare and the Race to the Bottom

Constraining Federalism: Formalizing Expectations about Redistributive Policies in Decentralized Systems. Publius, 37, 2 (Spring 2007): 135-159.

Welfare Migration and the Multifaceted Decision to Move. American Political Science Review,  99, 1 (February 2005): 125 – 135.

A Wider Race?  Interstate Competition Across Health and Welfare Programs. with Mark Rom. Journal of Politics, 66, 2 (May, 2004): 326 – 347.

State Competition and Higher Education:  A Race to the Top?  with Mark Rom and Matt Taylor. Economics of Governance, 5, 1 (April, 2004): 53-75.

United Nations

Estimating Dynamic State Preferences from United Nations Voting Data. with Anton Strezhnev and Erik Voeten.  Journal of Conflict Resolution, 61, 2 (February 2017): 430 – 456.

A Two-Dimensional Analysis of Seventy Years of United Nations Voting. with Erik  Voeten.  Public Choice, 176, 1 (July 2018): 33-55.

Congress and Trade Politics

The Politics of the Difficult: The Role of Public Opinion in Early Cold War Aid and Trade Policies. Legislative Studies Quarterly,  28, 2 (May, 2003): 147-178.

Quiet Influence: The Representation of Diffuse Interests on Postwar Trade Policy. Legislative Studies Quarterly, 26, 1 (February, 2001): 1- 36.

Heterogeneity and Representation: The Senate and Free Trade. with David Brady.  American Journal of Political Science, 42, 2 (April 1998): 524-544.

The Institutional Roots of American Trade Policy: The Origin and Effects of the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act. with Judith Goldstein and Barry Weingast. World Politics, 49, 3 (April 1997): 309-338. 

Campaign Finance

The (Sometimes Surprising) Consequences of Societally Unrepresentative Contributors on Legislative Responsiveness. Business and Politics, 6, 3 (2004).

The Two Sides of Money in Politics: A Synthesis and Framework. Election Law Journal, 3, 4 (Fall 2004): 653-669.

Methodology: Ideal Point Estimation

“American Politics in 3D: Measuring Multidimensional Issue Alignment in Social Media using Social Graphs and Text Data.” with Pedro Ramaciotti, Duncan Cassells, Zografoula Vagena and Jean-Philippe Cointet. Applied Network Science. (2024).

Ideal Point Estimation with a Small Number of Votes: A Random Effects Approach. Political Analysis 9, 3 (Summer, 2001): 192-210.

Presidential Persuasion

A Two-Way Street on Iraq: On the Interaction of Citizen Policy Preferences and Presidential Approval. with Clyde Wilcox. American Politics Research,  44, 1 (2016): 3–27.

Presidential Persuasion on Social Issues: A Two Way Street? with Lee Sigelmanand Clyde Wilcox.  Political Research Quarterly, 56, 1 (March, 2003): 49-59.

Electoral Balancing and Midterm Losses

Balancing in the States, 1978-2009. with Elliott Fullmer. State Politics and Policy Quarterly, 11, 2 (June 2011): 149 – 167.

Tea Party

Tea Party Influence: A Story of Activists and Elites. with Jon Mummolo and Hans Noel.  American Politics Research, 40, 5 (September 2012): 769 – 804.

Campaign Effects

Unresponsive and Unpersuaded: The Unintended Consequences of a Voter Persuasion Effort, with Daniel J. Hopkins and Todd Rogers.  Political Behavior, 38, 3   (September 2016): 713-746.


Grades and Incentives: Assessing Competing Grade Point Average Measures and Postgraduate Outcomes. with Jeffrey S. Rosenthal and Albert H. Yoon.  Studies in Higher Education, 41, 9 (December 2014): 1548-1562.