Data Page (JOP 2013)

Supplemental information for JOP article

The following files contain data from Bailey, Michael A.  2013. Is Today’s Court the Most Conservative in Sixty Years?  Challenges and Opportunities in Measuring Judicial Preferences. Journal of Politics, 75, 3 (July).

Data appendix

This file contains additional information on the data and estimation procedure.

Ideal Points

This Excel file [Public_IdealPoints_JOP_Jan2013_Rev1.xlsx] contains

  • ideal points for each Supreme Court justice, president, senator, and representative for each year from 1951 to 2011.
  • legal parameter estimates for all justices
  • Supreme Court and congressional medians and presidential ideal points for each year from 1951 to 2011.

Data and code

This Excel file [Public_Court data and code_Jan2013.xlsx] contains

  • court comment observations
  • case cutpoint data
  • computer code

For ideal points and legal parameters from Bailey and Maltzman (2009), see data page for that paper.